Abbiate, Luigi (Louis) 4.jan.1866-23.jul.1933 Monaco, Monte Carlo - France, Vence
cellist, studied cello with Carlo Casella at Liceo Musicale di Torino in Turin, 1882 studied cello with Auguste Franchomme and Jules Delsart in Paris,
1887 cellist at the Casino in Monaco, 1892
cellist at the Opera Comique in Paris, 1906 at the Scala in Milan, 1911 teacher at St Petersburg Conservatory, 1922 director of the municipal music
school of Monaco
[Schmidl 1938 gives erroneously died in Monaco]
[] Suite. Cello and piano. op5
pub Alphonse Leduc, Paris 1904
[] 1 - Romance
[] 2 - Conte
[] Piano sonata no5. 1914. op64
pub Ch. Hayet, Paris 1932