Abbott, George Jacob 23.jun.1892-1.sep.1961 USA Massachusetts, Boston Alston - NY, Elmira
1913 music supervisor in the rural schools of Cape Cod Massachusetts, later in the public schools of Chelsea Massachusetts, 1918 music teacher at a public school in Dennis Massachusetts, 1920 director of music in Schenectady NY, bandmaster of the General Electric Company Band in Schenectady, 1924-1925 season giving 69 performances of noon-time concerts, 1925 president of the Eastern Music Supervisors Conference, 1931 music supervisor in the schools of Elmira NY, later in nearby Erin, on his retirement until death residing at 963 Walnut Street in Elmira ; son of traveling salesman Walter Cummings Abbott (Boston 24.oct.1864-3.aug.1931 Boston Alston) and Charlotte Abby Gibson (Boston 28.aug.1861-13.mar.1912 Boston), stepson of Mary McKenzie (Scotland, Peterhead 10.sep.1887-1954 Boston) ; 20.sep.1916 in Providence Rhode Island he married Mary Esther Haynes (Providence 7.sep.1895-23.may.1920 Boston) ; 24.jan.1929 in Schenectady he married Agnes I. 'Nan' MacCulley (Schenectady 10.oct.1890-27.nov.1982 Elmira)

Title Parts

[] The Ditson chorus book, for high school and choral societies
edited George J. Abbott, William Breach, James D. Price
pub Oliver Ditson Co., Boston 29may1925

[] My true love hath my heart. SSA Choir and piano
words Sir Philip Sidney
pub C. C. Birchard & Co., Boston 9apr1952

[] Trompetters three, for three B flat trumpets or cornets, with piano accompaniment
pub Theodore Presser Co., Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania 14may1956

[] Methuselah. S.A.T.B. Choir and piano
words anonymous
pub Kendor Music Inc., East Aurora N.Y. 1oct1956

[] Country lane. S.A.T.B. also S.S.A.
words and music George J. Abbott, arr. Marjorie Elliott
pub Raymond A. Hoffman Co., 27feb1957

[] Elmira. Concert march. Wind band
pub Carl Fischer, New York 8may1957

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