Agramonte Pina, Emilio Jacobo 28.nov.1844-31.dec.1918 Cuba, Puerto Principe (now Camaguey) - Havana
pianist, singing teacher, choral conductor, he was sent to Madrid to study law and 1865 graduated with the degree Doctor of Laws (LLD), studied piano with Jovell and Biscani, composition with Balart and Bottessini and singing with Selva in Madrid, studied piano with Antoine Marmontel, composition with Malden and David and singing with Roger and Delle Sedie in Paris, 1865-1866 taught singing in Barcelona and 1866-1868 in Cuba, 1869 he moved to New York, 1869-1872 conductor of the Eight o'Clock Musical Club, then founded the Amateur Operatic Club, 1873 professor of vocal music at the Conservatory of Music in New Brunswick New Jersey, 1878-1883 conductor of the Vocal Union of New Brunswick, 1880-1882 residing with 3 servants at 333 28th Street New York with studio at 952 Broadway, 19.jun.1886 he became naturalized American, 1886-1889 residing at 118 East 17th Street New York, 1886-1902 conductor of the Gounod Choral Society in New Haven Connecticut, 1890-1892 of the American Composers Choral Association, 1893 he founded a School of Opera and Oratorio in New York, he established clubs for sight reading in New York, Detroit and Grand Rapids, 1900 residing at 71 West 32nd Street Manhattan, 1903 as voice teacher at 255 5th Avenue, 1903 he returned to Cuba where he founded the Sociedad Coral Chaminade and became teacher at the Academia Municipal de Musica in Havana ; son of Jose Maria Agramonte y Aguero and Maria Concepcion Pina y Porro ; 1866 in Cuba he married Manuela 'Emma' 'Amelia' Agramonte Zayas Zamudio (Cuba sep.1845-) ; they had 7 children: son Emilio Agramonte jr. (Cuba, Santiago 1.jan.1868-) graduated as mining engineer with the essay 'Calculations for the supply of water to the town of Elizabethport NY' and later became lawyer, daughter Conchita (New York 1870-1.dec.1891 Manhattan), son dentist Francis (New York 1872-), son Edward (New York 6.apr.1873-), daughter Dolores 'Lola' 'Lily' (New York 1.feb.1879-), daughter Nina (New York oct.1880-), son Albert (New York may.1882-)

Title Parts

[] Requiem aeternam. SA Voices
pub Oliver Ditson, Boston

[] Stabat Mater
2006-04-29 14:34:18