Aldington, Joan Patricia 'Pat' Le Gros 7.feb.1909-30.may.1995 England Kent, Sandwich -
Sussex, Rye
20.feb.1909 baptized at St Clement's Church in Sandwich, 1934-1836 residing with other artists at the home of reverend canon Osmund Ralph Maude Roxby
and his wife Catherine Oliver Goldsmith at 10 Branch Hill in London Hampstead, she died at Watchbell House/Old Rhodes on Watchbell Lane in Rye ; daughter of solicitor Albert Edward Aldington (Edgbaston 1864-14.apr.1921 London Maida Hill) and Jessie May Godfree
Aldington Watkins (Hythe Kent bap.9.jun.1872-20.mar.1954 Rye Sussex) ; she never married
[] Happiness. Song
words and music Joan Aldington
pub J. B. Cramer Co., London 4jan1955
ms British Library, London