Alkan, Sherkan Ckoya d' (? real name Alexandre) 24.jun.1980- France, ?
clarinetist, pianist, residing in Lunel near Montpellier

Title Parts

[] Poesie. Version for piano or orchestra 1 - Paradoxe
2 - Anaphore
3 - Oxymore
4 - Perimelodie
5 - Chiasme
6 - Litote
7 - Metaphore
8 - Anacolute
9 - Hyperbole
10 - Asson et allit
11 - Euphemisme
12 - Parabole
13 - Comparaison
14 - Synecdote
15 - Ellipse
16 - Metonymie
17 - Allegorie
18 - Personnification
19 - Antithese
20 - Retrolepse
21 - Antimelodie
22 - Prolepse
23 - Metaphore filee
24 - Alliance
25 - Inachevee
[] Ornements musicales. Organ, flutes, violin, cello and chamber orchestra 1 - Fuga. Organ
2 - Duo. Flute and violin
3 - Nactalia
4 - Folia
5 - Toccata prestissima
6 - Virtuosa
2005-08-20 16:02:36