Allard Demers, Cecile 3.feb.1904-1949 Canada Quebec, Montreal - ?Montreal
violinist, pianist, composer, 7.feb.1940 barytone Adrien Lachance and pianist Mlle Cecile Allard-Demers performed works by Handel, Schubert, Widor,
Bizet, broadcasted on Radio CBF, CBV and CBJ, 18.jun.1940 she accompanied Adrien Lachance in solos during a concert by the Montreal Municipal
Orchestra at Chalet, 28.mar.1943 Mme Cecile Allard-Demers was accompanist in a day long ninth anniversary celebration of the Federation des barbiers
de Montreal at chapelle de N.D. de la Pitie paroisse Ste-Catherine and at salle des PP. du Saint-Sacrement
[] (details unknown). tenor Adrien Lachance sang works by Cecile Allard-Demers in a tenor recital on Radio CBM Montreal 27dec1940