Allmuth, Franz Alois 24.jun.1830-28.dec.1908 Germany, Oedheim - USA NY, New York
pianist, organist, 1856 emigrated to the USA, 1870-1877 as professor of music residing with wife and 5 children in Philadelphia Germantown, 1873-1875 music publisher in Philadelphia, 1874 piano dealer at 140 South 11th Street Philadelphia, 1885-1888 he patented several improvements for pianos and organs in Germany, England and the USA, 1880 as music teacher residing with wife and 7 children at 63 Lee Avenue in New York Brooklyn, 1900 as professor of music residing with wife, 2 children and servant at 68th Street in Manhattan ; 5.sep.1865 in Trenton New Jersey he married music teacher Alice Little (Philadelphia 19.apr.1842-11.feb.1923 New York Bronx)

Title Parts

[] Harriet Lane polka. Piano
pub Lee & Walker, Philadelphia 1861

[] Belle of the waltz. Piano
music J. Strauss, arr A. Allmuth
pub A. Allmuth, Philadelphia 1873

[] The erl-king
music Carl Ludwig Blum (1786-1844), with piano-accompaniment by A. Allmuth
words Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
pub A. Allmuth, Philadelphia 1873

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