Alt, Philipp Samuel 16.jan.1689-27.jun.1765 Germany, Weimar - Weimar
organist, studied music with his father cantor Wolfgang Christoph Alt (d. Weimar 1715), c1700 with Johann Samuel Drese and Georg Christoph Strattner, studied piano and organ with Samuel Heintze and 1707 with Johann Gottfried Walther, 1709 studied law at the University of Jena, after his study until his death he was court lawyer, 1714 he performed as bass singer at the court at the time when J S Bach was concert master, 1721-1765 organist of the Jakobskirche in Weimar

Title Parts

[] (titles unknown). Church cantatas
ms Herzoglichen Bibliothek Weimar

2006-06-27 19:26:14