Alter, Martha Rebecca (fem) 8.feb.1904-3.jun.1976 USA Pennsylvania, New Bloomfield - Newport
pianist, 1925 AB from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie NY, 1931 AM in musicology from Columbia University in New York, 1932 MM in composition from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester NY, 1938-1942 teacher at Vassar College, 1942 teacher piano, composition and music history at Connecticut College for Women in New London ; daughter of bank cashier David Boyd Alter (Pennsylvania, Port Royal 26.apr.1878-) and pianist/conductor/music teacher Daisy Myrl Harman (1880-)

Title Parts

[] Anthony Comstock or A puritan's progress. Ballet. 1934
[] Let God be magnified. Cantata. Female choir and organ. 1947
2005-05-19 17:20:04