Alvarez Roman, Mauricio 1842-a1915 Puerto Rico, San Juan - Caguas
violinist, received his first musical and violin study from his father military musician Jose Alvarez, studied violin with Mateo Tizol, 1851 the family moved to Caguas where he played violin in the orchestra of his father, later he took superior lessons in violin with Rufino Ramirez in Mayaguez, he established an academy of music in Caguas, 1915 still active both as teacher violin and as pharmacist in Caguas in the pharmacy of his son Jose Julian Alvarez Maymi (Caguas 1867-1934 Caguas) ; brother of composer Hermogenes Alvarez

Title Parts

[] Oficio de difuntos. Orchestra. 1883
composed for the funeral of his friend Manuel Tavarez (San Juan 28nov1843-1jul1883 Ponce)

[] Misa de requiem. Orchestra. 1883
composed for the funeral of his friend Manuel Tavarez (San Juan 28nov1843-1jul1883 Ponce)

[] La ultima ilusion. Danza
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