Amadri, Michelangelo 15??-16?? Italy, ? - ?, ?
counterpointist of the 16th century of whom more precise information is missing but who must have been of relevance since as a composer he is
remembered for his excellent Motets by Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) in Tome III: Termini musici, page 7 of his Syntagma musicum, Vitemberga 1619
[this is a misprint in Syntagma musicum, the name is given as Michaelis Angeli Amadri but should read Michele Angelo Amadei]
[] Motetti
see Amadei, Michelangelo
composer name wrongly given as Michaelis Angeli Amadri by Michael Praetorius in Tome III, page 7 of his Syntagma musicum, Wittenberg Germany