Andersen, Rolf Harold 15.dec.1920-24.dec.2016 Norway, Drammen - Drammen
cornetist, trumpeter, bandmaster, lieutenant, graduated as music teacher from Oslo Conservatory, 1954 degree in military music, 1931 musician and 1945-1958 bandmaster of Drammen's Jerns Musikkorps, 1961-1970 bandmaster of Hans Majestet Kongens Gardes Musikkorps (His Majesty the King's Guard Band), 1978 he won the Spellemann Prize 1978 in open class for the record Forsvaret spiller, where he conducted a corps composed of the Armed Forces Staff Music Corps, Marine Music and the Armed Forces District Music Corps Eastern Norway, 1979-1983 lieutenant colonel and music inspector in the Norwegian Armed Forces, after retiring in 1983 he was conductor of Danvik Skolekorps and Assiden Skolemusikk until 86 years old

Title Parts

[] Drammens Jern parademarsj. Military band
[] Formaningssignal. Military band
[] Veteranen. March. Military band
[] Lang fanfare. Military band
[] Hjerkinn skytefelts marsj. Military band
[] Unionsmarsjen. Military band
[] Garnison Porsangmoens marsj
dedication : music director Ingvald Thomassen

[] Overste Poulsson's honormarsj. Military band. ?1965
dedication : Overste (Colonel) Jens Anton Poulsson (Tinn 27oct1918-2feb2010 Kongsberg), 1961-1965 commander of His Majesty the King's Guard, 1982 retired from the armed forces

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