Andolfi, Otello 20.feb.1887-15.dec.1971 Italy, Tivoli - Rome
cellist, studied music with his father and cello with Giuseppe Magrini in Milan, 1899 cellist in Orchestrali Filarmoniche and the Quartetto della Scuola Cooperativa di Milano, 1902 he was engaged as cellist by Pietro Mascagni, after 1902 cellist in the Andolfi string quartet with his brothers, studied literature and philosophy at the University of Rome, 1907-1932 writer on music, libretto translator and music editor, 1911 secretary of Congresso Musicale di Roma, 1912 critic for 'Musica' Rome, after 1912 he played cello in concerts with his wife, during the war he lived with his wife in Falun and Dalarne Sweden, 1921 returned to Rome to teach at the Conservatory of Music, librarian at Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome, director of Agenzia Concertistica Italiana in Frosinone, church choirmaster in Rome, 1929 conductor of Supercinema in Rome ; son of composer Guglielmo ; brother of violinist Argeo (Tivoli 25.mar.1885-), violinist Uberto (Como 17.oct.1888-) and violist Goffredo (Como 5.dec.1891-) ; 1913 aged 26 he married the 38 year old pianist/composer Manolita de Anduaga (Stockholm 4.aug.1875-23.mar.1968 Rome)

Title Parts

[] (details unknown). pieces for cello and pieces for piano. before 1926
[] Chaconne
music Johann Sebastian Bach, transcribed for cello Otello Andolfi

[] Madrigali
music Giovanni Maria Nanino (Tivoli 1543-1607 Rome), transcribed for cello Otello Andolfi

La vita breve (La vida breve. Manuel de Falla). Nice 1apr1913
Dramma lirico in 2 atti e 4 quadri di Carlos Fernandez Shaw. Versione Italiana e adattazione ritmica di Otello Andolfi (libretto translation and adaptation of the music Otello Andolfi)
pub Carisch, Milano 1913
pub Max Eschig, Paris 1913 and 1969

[] Serenata maliziosa, per una voce e pianoforte
music Francesco Marcacci, words Otello Andolfi
pub Edizioni della Officina d'arte R. Pelissier, Rome 1906

writing: ...e' un altro libro di versi. Tipografia Torredinona 1906
writing: Il poema del cristianesimo (M. J. Vidae Christiados libri VI). Studio critico. 1907
writing: Messa al Pantheon per Umberto I
critic/article by Otello Andolfi in "Musica" Rome mar1912

writing: La messa funebre al Pantheon
critic/article by Otello Andolfi in "Musica" Rome 17mar1912

writing: Il gran concerto storico a S Cecilia e all'Augusteo
critic/article by Otello Andolfi in "Musica" Rome 21apr1912

writing: Catalogo delle opere musicali: teoriche e pratiche di autori vissuti sino ai primi decenni del secolo XIX, esistenti nelle biblioteche e negli archivi pubblici e privati d'Italia. Citta di Roma biblioteca della regia accademia di Santa Cecilia
compilatore delle schede Otello Andolfi. pub Zerbini e Fresching, Parma 1912

writing: Don Giovanni di Volfango Mozart. Guide radio-liriche. Otello Andolfi. pub A. F. Formiggini, Rome 1930
writing: Problemi di vita musicale, "Corriere del Tirreno". 19oct1932
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