Andreoni, Giovanni Battista c1720-23.apr.1797 Italy, Lucca - Lucca
mezzo/soprano castrato singer, priest, 22.mar.1736 appointed first soprano at the Palatine Chapel in Lucca, 1736 he joined the Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, 1739, 1748 and 1755 performed in Reggio Emilia, 1739-1742 in London, 22.jan.1740 and 15.mar.1740 at the New Haymarket Theatre, 10.jan.1741 at the Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, 1757 was his last public appearance in Mantua having already been ordained priest in Rome, 22.mar.1785 he retired from his post as singer and priest at the Palatine Chapel in Lucca

Title Parts

[] 3 Opera arias and 2 opera cavatinas
ms Bibliothek Musikfreunde Wien

[] Per quel paterno amplesso. Opera aria. Mezzosoprano, 2 violins, viola and bc. 1750/1780
notes on the ms: Sig. Andreoni, dedicata, del Sig. Giardini
composer Felice Giardini, dedicatee Giovanni Battista Andreoni
ms Bibliotheque nationale de France

2006-06-28 20:55:58