Andreoni, Michele 1870-1943 Italy, Campiglia
Marittima - Campiglia Marittima
flutist, violinist, bandmaster, 1903-1913 of Filarmonica Teodulo Mabellini in Campiglia Marittima, 25.aug.1923 he founded the band Corpo Musicale
Gioacchino Rossini in Campiglia Marittima, 18.may.1924 the debut took place in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele the day of Santo Patrono di Campiglia,
12.oct.1924 the band played a program of pieces composed by the master himself, 1926 the band won second prize at the band competition by Associazione
Nazionale Fanti Mare in Livorno, September 1927 along with 32 other bands from all over Tuscany, he pays tribute to the master Pietro Mascagni and
participates in the second Concorso Bandistico Citta di Piombino at Campo Sportivo G. Salvestrini, the same day the bands parade through the streets
and meet in Piazza Bovio to pay tribute to the war memorial Caduti del Mare, 1936 as composer member of Societa Italiana degli Autori ed Editori (SIAE)