Andrews, Ernest Arthur 11.oct.1868-30.mar.1935 England Surrey, Kingston on Thames - Yorkshire, Bridlington
organist, professor of music, born at 4 Portland Road Spring Grove, 1879 his mother died when he was 10 years old, 1890 as teacher of music residing with his father and stepmother at 6
Ermington Villas in Kingston upon Hull Yorkshire where he was organist of St Augustine's Church, 1900 professor of music and organist of Albermarle Baptist
Church and St James Church in Scarborough Yorkshire, 1910 residing at 21 Oak Road in Scarborough, at time of death at 5 St Stephen Road in Bridlington
; son of Inland Revenue supervisor Charles Andrews (Kent, Rochester 1842-1920 Bridlington) and his first wife Julia Bennett (Sussex, Newhaven
1848-1879 Hull), 1881 stepson of Phoebe Frances Little (Kent, Woolwich 21.may.1842-1919 Bridlington) ; 1892 in Hull he married Louisa Crosby (Hull
1862-1933 York) ; son Norman Crosby (Hull 1893-), son Charles Crosby (Scarborough 1900-) ; 1922 he married Emma who survived him
[] Prelude. Organ
pub Charles Vincent, London 1906
pub in Ecclesiae Organum, Paxton