Antoine (Anthoin), Ferdinand d' 1746-1793 Germany, Bonn - Austria, Grieskirchen near Linz
amateur musician, violinist, harpsichordist, of french descent, studied music from the writings of Marpurg, Kirnberger and Riepel and on a journey to Italy, 1770 hauptmann (captain) in service of Maximilian Friederich 1761-1784 elector of Koln in Bonn, 1784 member of the Minervalkirche Stagira of Christian Gottlob Neefe's Illuminatenordens in Bonn, 1788 member of the Bonner Lesegesellschaft ; son of court counsillor Franz d'Anthoin ; brother in law of composer Andrea Luchesi (1741-1801) who married his sister Josepha Antonetta d'Anthoin in 1775 ; some compositions ascribed to Anthoin in Christian Gottlob Neefe's Nachricht von der musik zu Bonn 1784 (catalogue of music in the Bonn court archives) are possibly Luchesi's work

Title Parts

[] Il mondo alla rovescia (Le donne che commandano). Opera buffa. Opernhaus, Koln 1780
libretto Carlo Goldoni

[] Das tartarische gesetz. Singspiel. Hoftheater, Bonn 9jan1782
libretto Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter, after C. Gozzi

[] Sinfonien und Quartetten in haidnischer manier und laune. b1783
mentioned in an article "Nachricht von der churfurstlich-collnischen Hofcapelle zu Bonn und andern Tonkunstlern daselbst" in (Carl Friedrich) Cramers Magazin 30mar1783

[] Das madchen im eichthale. Singspiel. Hoftheater, Bonn 1782 and 2jan1783
libretto after General Burgoyne's The maid of the oaks

[] Lanassa. 6 Choruses to the tradegy of C. M. Plumicke. 9apr1783
[] Otto der schutz, landgraf zu Hessen. Singspiel. Hoftheater, Bonn and Koln 1792
libretto E. Ch. G. Schneider

[] Der furst und sein volk. Operetta. Hoftheater, Bonn 2may1792
[] Prolog zu Goethe's Clavigo (by Carl Friedrich Cramer). Bonn 4dec1782
[] Clavigo. Clavierauszug
music Carl Friedrich Cramer, piano reduction Ferdinand d'Antoine. Bonn 1782

[] Ende gut alles gut. Operetta. Hoftheater, Bonn 9may1792, Koln 1792 and Bonn 1794
remake of Der furst und sein volk

[] Rondeau brillant (in G) par pianoforte
music F. d'Anthoin
pub Schott, Mainz 1829

writing: Wie muss die kirchenmusik beschaffen seyn, wenn sie zur andacht erheben soll ?
in Beitrage zur ausbreitung nutzlicher kenntnisse. Bonn 1784

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