Antonelli, Alessandro 1827-2.jan.1895 Italy, Bologna - Bologna
bandmaster, 1848 having just finished his music studies he became volunteer in the war of independence in the Veneto, he enlisted in Concerto Musicale of the volunteer bataillon of Bignami and with it he made all the campaigns, 1849 at the end of the war he became bandmaster of Banda dei Civici Pompieri in Bologna, 1859 bandmaster of Corpo di Musica della Guardia Nazionale, 1873 of Banda Municipale di Bologna

Title Parts

[] Ridda infernale nell'atto primo dell'opera Asrael di Alberto Franchetti
arrangement and instrumentation for band by Alessandro Antonelli
pub G. Ricordi, Milan 1891

[] Hungarian rhapsody no2 by Franz Liszt
performed by Banda Municipale di Bologna conducted by Alessandro Antonelli
? arrangement by Alessandro Antonelli

[] Symphony no5 by Ludwig von Beethoven
performed by Banda Municipale di Bologna conducted by Alessandro Antonelli
? arrangement by Alessandro Antonelli

2020-04-19 00:00:00