Aragon Alvarez, Emilio Tomas 16.apr.1959- Cuba, Havana
conductor, musician, singer, actor, tv presenter and film, tv, record producer, after Fidel Castro came to power, the family left Cuba and began a nomadic life in several Latin American countries, 1973 the family settled in Spain, he studied music at Conservatorio de Musica de Madrid, 1985-2000 he became a television phenomenon, he left the screen to devote himself to music and took for three years orchestral conducting classes in the United States, May 2004 he graduated with a degree in history from Suffolk University in Boston

Title Parts

[] Blancanieves (Snow White) (Schneewittchen). Ballet, premiered Bilbao November 2005
Symphony Orchestra Bilbao / Emilio Aragon. DG 0734416

[] Barnum. Musical. 1984
he toured all of Spain, producing and directing the musical, achieving great success with critics and the public (aged 25 !)

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