Archer, Henry Waldegrave Esq. 17.jun.1754-9.mar.1788 England Hertfordshire, Hertford - USA Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
lyricist, ?composer, educated at a military school in England, he sold his properties to embark as a volunteer in the American Continental Army, 23.oct.1778 arrived in Philadelphia, named 'a young gentleman' in the Pennsylvania Packet of October 1778, 2.oct.1784 appointed lieutenant of Northampton County ; son of John Archer (Hertford 13.apr.1723-12.sep.1765 Hertford) and Mary Bazell (1731-29.dec.1816 Hertford) ; 7.nov.1781 in Philadelphia he married Rebecca Mifflin (1774-11.dec.1850 Philadelphia) daughter of general of the Continental Army and governor of Pennsylvania Thomas Mifflin (1744-1800)

Title Parts

[] Volunteer boys for old Jersey's defense. Patriot song. 1780
words Henry Archer - music ?

2006-05-05 10:47:26