Arendt, Erich Walter Willy Max 16.oct.1885-20.may.1945 Germany, Zerbst - Halle an der Saale
pianist, studied music with Max Reger in Leipzig, 1915 piano teacher in Hamburg, 1934 as conductor residing at Kaiserstrasse 47 in Bernburg near Halle, 1945 residing at Universitatsring 6 in Halle, during WWII he was corporal in the Landesschutzen Ersatz- und Ausbildungs Bataillon 14 Luschtienitz, he probably fougth in the Battle of Remagen (7-25.mar.1945) because he died two months later from dysentery at the field hospital in Remagen ; son of Wilhelm Arendt and Helene Jahnke ; 10.aug.1915 in Hamburg he married Emma Auguste Vivie (Hamburg 24.jun.1877-2.feb.1953 Hamburg), divorced 4.mar.1922 ; 15.oct.1926 in Bernburg he married Julia Martin

Title Parts

[] (details unknown). Ouverture
[Frank/Altmann 1936]

[] (details unknown). Variationen fur klavier und orchester
[Frank/Altmann 1936]

[] (details unknown). String quartet
[Frank/Altmann 1936]

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