Armstrong, Thomas James 6.aug.1859-11.feb.1932 USA Pennsylvania, Philadelphia - Philadelphia
banjoist, teacher fretted instruments, he directed the American Banjo Club, published many banjo study books, also study books for mandolin, guitar and saxophone, 1860 as a one year old residing with his parents and 6 siblings in Philadelphia, 1880 as 'learn paper hanging' residing with his parents and 3 brothers at 1212 South 6th Street Philadelphia, 1930 with occupation music/music publication lodging at 1824 Arch Street ; son of real estate agent George Armstrong (Ireland, Drumcar 15.sep.1819-8.aug.1888 NJ, Sea Isle City) and Phoebe G Winslow (Ireland 22.dec.1822-1.feb.1904 NJ, Sea Isle City)

Title Parts

[] The bummer's reel. Banjo and piano
pub S. S. Stewart, Philadelphia 1884

[] Normandie march. Banjo
pub S. S. Stewart, Philadelphia 1890

[] Amaranthine. Polka mazurka. 1, 2, 3 Banjo(s) / 3 Banjos and piccolo banjo
[] Aurora march. 1, 2, 3 Banjo(s) / 3 Banjos and piccolo banjo
[] Triumph march. 1, 2, 3 Banjo(s) / 3 Banjos and piccolo banjo
[] Visions of rest. Waltzes. 1, 2, 3 Banjo(s) / 3 Banjos and piccolo banjo
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