Arredondo y Miranda, Francisco de 2.jul.1837-31.jul.1928 Cuba Camaguey, Puerto Principe - Havana
9.jul.1837 baptized at Iglesia parroquial de Santa Maria de la Soledad in Puerto Principe, he lived with his family on a ranch in Camaguey, in the Cuban Great War 1868-1871 he reached the rank of colonel in the revolutionary army, 1872 emigrated from Cuba to the Dominican Republic settling in Puerto Plata, 1874 moved to Santo Domingo, 1879 began teaching music and piano in Santo Domingo, 1885 he founded Orfeon de la Escuela Normal in Santo Domingo, 1894-1900 he was president of Centro Propagandista Cubano in Caracas Venezuela, 1910 residing in Havana Cuba, he is best remembered for his historically invaluable handwritten diaries (1868-1871) and inventories of all the Cuban wars of independence, including names, births, deaths, places of all Cuban and foreign patriots 1851-1898 ; 17.jul.1865 at Iglesia parroquial de Santa Maria de la Soledad in Port-au-Prince he married Elvira Betancourt y Guzman (Port-au-Prince 1841-1908)

Title Parts

[] Himno Normalista
words Felix Evaristo Mejia
composed for the inauguration of Orfeon de la Escuela Normal in Santo Domingo July 1885

[] Himno nacionalista. Santo Domingo
probably the same as the foregoing but wrongly titled

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