Artes, Casper Friedrich 29.mar.1816-20.nov.1886 Germany Thuringen, Melkers - USA Indiana, Evansville
organist, professor, studied music, literature and art at University, he played the organ at a very early age and played before the Duke of Saxony and
every royal or ecclesiastical festival, 4.dec.1851 because of the failed German revolutions 1848-1849 he emigrated to the USA
New York, shortly after he became music teacher at the Female Academy in Henderson Kentucky, a few years later he was appointed organist of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church of Henderson and held the position for 30 years without missing one single Sunday service, he spent his last days with family in
Evansville ; son of Casper Friedrich Artes sr., burgomaster of Melkers ; 23.feb.1841 in Leimbach Hesse he married Anna Catherine Bierschenk (Leimbach 17.oct.1821-) ;
out of 13 children, their eldest son Carl Friedrich Sebastian (Leimbach 31.mar.1847-12.mar.1916 Evansville) became a successful jeweler
[] Der 100ste Psalm, ubersetzt von Ewald fur das vierstimmigen mannerchor
pub Vocke, Salzungen Germany 1842