Aschaffenburg, Walter Eugene 20.may.1927-14.oct.2005 Germany, Essen - USA Arizona, Phoenix
5.jul.1938 his family emigrated to the USA, 1951 BA under Herbert Elwell from Oberlin College Ohio, 1952 MM under Bernard Rogers from the University of Rochester Eastman School of Music, 1952 professor of composition and theory at Oberlin College

Title Parts

[] Oboe concerto
Elisabeta Suyeva, State Symphonic Capella Moscow / Edwin London. New World 80511

[] Ozymandias. Orchestra. 1952
[] Libertatem appellant. Tenor, baritone and orchestra
[] Cello sonata. 1954
[] Violin sonata. 1954
[] String quartet. 1955
[] Bartleby. Opera. College of Music, Oberlin 12nov1964
2005-05-19 17:20:30