Asselbergs, Hans 28.oct.1953-14.may.2007 Netherlands, Heemstede - Haarlem
percussionist, pharmacist by profession, studied percussion at Groningen Conservatory, 1995 he started composing, 1996 he exchanged his profession as pharmacist for full-time musician, 1998 established a professional recording studio Grasland where he worked with the most important Dutch, and sometimes also foreign, modernist musicians and composers, he often used special self-built instruments in his compositions, 7.mar.2007 he was confronted with a serious illness and died at the age of 53

Title Parts

[] 12zeven5. Organ. 2002
Jos van der Kooy. Codaex KTC1364

[] Concert voor boot, brug en bus (Concert for boat, bridge and bus). Large male choir. 1995
[] verdichten, verdunnen (condense, dilute). Organ and percussion
commissioned by the Haarlem Philharmonic

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