Audini, Mlle f1785-f1793 ?Italy, ? - ?, ?
active in Paris France

Title Parts

[] (details unknown). Chanson(s)
in one or more magazines Etrennes lyriques anacreontiques, editor and publisher Michel Francois Joseph Cholet de Jetphort, Paris 1781-1822 (31 volumes)
the magazine did not appear in 1795-1796, 1798-1802, 1804-1807
the magazines of the years 1781-1783 and 1790-1792 are without music

[rem: RISM B/II gives a long list of composers and the magazines of 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1793 without specifying which composer is included in which year (she is verifiable not included in 1784), implying that Mlle Audini may have been included in only one year of the years 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1793]

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