Ayanza 'Ayanz' y Beaumont, Jeronimo de 1553-23.mar.1613 Spain Navarra, Guendulain - Madrid
amateur bass singer, vihuela player, composer of songs that he performed at the court of king Felipe II on the vihuela with a formidable bass voice, from 1567 he was educated at the court of Felipe II, standing out in the military and political fields as well as in literature, arts and sciences, 1571 he started a legendary military career for which Felipe II in 1579 granted him the title Commander of the Order of Calatrava, 1587 perpetual alderman of Murcia, 1595 governor of Martos in Jaen, 1597 in Madrid he was appointed general administrator of the 550 Spanish mines, 1598-1602 he invented an incredible amount of amazing machines, systems and applications to optimize mining exploitation, he was buried at the cathedral of Murcia

Title Parts

details and titles unknown : Songs for bass and vihuela
2024-01-03 00:00:00