Azpiri Garcia, Jose 16.apr.1837-19?? Spain, Madrid - ?
bandmaster, 1845 studied music with Luis Vicente Arche, 1855 flugelhornist in Batallon de cazadores (hunters) de Merida Extremadura, 1861-1884 bandmaster of Batallon de cazadores de Merida, 1892-1898 bandmaster of Regimiento de Infanteria de Luchana numero 28, 1892-1894 stationed in Lerida, 1895-1898 stationed in Barcelona, 25.sep.1898 the Boletin Musical Madrid published a farewell in the form of an epitaph "delivered to Musico mayor Don Jose Azpiri, by the head of his body, on the occasion of having been released from service for having reached the statutory age: in this pantheon lies a greater one that was not", although this sounds almost as a funeral oration: 2.oct.1898 and jan.1899 he was still in Barcelona and writing articles on military bands and music for the Boletin Musical

Title Parts

[] (details unknown). Pasos dobles militares, algunos de verdadera importancia, bailables de todas clases, arreglos para banda de las mejores y mas aplaudidas partituras, con el titulo muy corriente en el ejercito, de Fantasias, y otros muchos trabajos
[] (details unknown). Military double steps, some of true importance, dances of all kinds, arrangements for band of the best and most applauded scores, with the title very common in the army, Fantasies, and many other works
Boletin Musical Madrid 25oct1893

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