Bachelet, Jean Louis Theodore 15.jan.1820-26.sep.1879 France, Pissy-Poville near Rouen - Rouen
historian, musicologist, 1840 entered Ecole normale Paris and 1846 graduated in history, 1842-1843 professor of history at College du Havre, January 1854 appointed professor of history and later director of Lycee imperial Corneille in Rouen, he published many important books on history, the first in 1852 'La Guerre de Cent ans' and 1857 his major work 'Dictionnaire general de biographie et d'histoire' 1876 reaching it's seventh edition, he wrote articles on "Accompagnement, Accord, Cadence, Chant, Choeur, Diapason, Harmonie, Instrumentation, Musique, Notation musicale, Orchestre, etc." and the history and description of "tous les instruments a corde, a vent et a percussion, depuis la Harpe jusqu'au Violon, depuis le Cor jusqu'au Hautbois, depuis le Clavecin jusqu'au Piano", 12.aug.1865 made Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur, 1873 conservator of Bibliotheque publique in Rouen, 1879 he donated a large collection of rare musical manuscripts to the Bibliotheque publique of Rouen ; son of composer Louis Philippe Bachelet (Pissy-Poville 1782-29.may.1853 Rouen) and Therese Suzanne Pigne ; 11.aug.1845 in Acy-en-Multien he married Marie Clementine Sophie Mignan (Bouillancy 11.aug.1821-)

Title Parts

[] Serenade. Piano 4ms
pub Henri Gregh, Paris (still in the catalogs in 1905)

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