Baini, abbate Giuseppe Giacobbe Baldassarre 21.oct.1775-21.may.1844 Italy, Rome - Rome
musicologist, biographer of Palestrina, 2.mar.1795 bass singer in the papal chapel, 1819-1844 camerlengo (administrator) of the college of papal singers ; nephew of Lorenzo

Title Parts

[] Stabat mater in G. 3vv. 1811
[] Miserere. 10vv. 1821
[] Caro mea vere est cibus. 2 Tenors, bass and organ. 1812
in collection of Schwartz jr
[in Eitner erroneously attributed to Giuseppe I (fl.1730)]

[] Beati mortui. 2 Tenors, bass and organ. 1817
in collection of Schwartz jr
in Eitner erroneously attributed to Giuseppe I (fl.1730)

2006-03-17 11:35:04