Baldenecker, Conrad 18.apr.1781-14.apr.1881 Germany, Mainz - Frankfurt am Main
pianist, merchant, 1814-1819 instrument dealer and music publisher at Koningsplein 15 and 1819-1824 at Cingel 424, vijfde huis van de Oude Spiegelstraat in Amsterdam, 1819 he was Koninklijk-Nederlandsch Hof-Leverancier and provided all the instruments and musicians for the newly created Muziek Corpsen of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Armee, 1.apr.1824 he started a big sale of his huge inventory of hundreds of instruments at prices under factory prices, 5.aug.1824 there were only 60 smaller instruments unsold and he had already returned to Frankfurt while Johann Baptist Baldenecker jr. was responsible from Frankfurt for selling the leftovers (Kretzschmann, Haltenhof trumpets ; Dufeu serpent ; Grenser, Finke, Kuss, Braun bassoons ; Grenser bassethorn ; Grenser, Finke, Koch, Bischoff clarinets ; Finke, Braun, Bischoff flutes ; Tourte bows with gold for 30 florijn ie 15 euro), 19.dec.1835 a pianoforte wing 6 3/4 octave designed by Conrad Baldenecker Frankfurt was sold in Delft and 15.mar.1844 a pianoforte from the factory of Baldenecker in Amsterdam was sold in Leeuwarden but he is not known as piano maker, he had cooperated with C. F. Peters since the founding in Leipzig 1814, Baldenecker in Amsterdam published the same music as Peters in Leipzig, the mental illness of Peters was probably the reason why he ended his business in Amsterdam, 1827 he had already started another successful business in 'Rauchtabake und andere Waaren', 1828 he also became owner of a Kupferdruckerschwarze factory in Frankfurt ; son of composer Ulrich Baldenecker ; brother of the composers Johann Baptist sr., Nikolaus and Johann Baptist jr.

Title Parts

[] no compositions known by this Conrad Baldenecker
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