Barbabietola, Marco Antonio 25.aug.1873-28.oct.1946 Italy Sicily Catania, Acireale - Adrano (sicilian: Aderno)
studied music at Reale Collegio-Ospizio di Beneficienza in Catania, 1891 bandmaster of Banda Musicale Civica of San Giovanni La Punta, taught music at Istituto Magistrale di Aderno and at 'Capizzi' di Bronte, 1895-1900 he made several tours in Sicily and Italy, 1904 bandmaster of Corpo Bandistico di Aderno, 1908 he went to the USA to work for a music publisher but after a few months returned to Adrano and became bandmaster of Corpo Bandistico again, he gave two weekly concerts at Villa Comunale and every year organized a musical event at Liceo-Ginnasio 'G. Verga' in Adrano where he taught music ; 25.jan.1896 he married Caterina Scalia

Title Parts

[] Mazzolin di fiori. Polka. 1889
[] Canzonetta siciliana. 1890
performed at Arena Pacini di Catania dalla famosa Monti 1890

[] Balliamo bimbi. Polka. c1891
[] Destino. Valzer. 1892
performed "con grande successo" in a concert at villa Bellini di Catania

[] Clara di Belleville. Operetta. Teatro Pacini, Catania 28jul1893
libretto Giuseppe Nicossa

[] O figli d'Italia. Inno patriottico. c1897
su versi di Gaetano Cristaldi Gambino, amico del musicista

[] Marinai. Opera. Teatro Reale, La Valetta Malta 1898
announced but not performed

[] Chi lo sa? 1898
won a silver medal at Concorso musicale organized by "Sicilia teatrale" of Catania 1898

[] Simer. Romanza da camera. 1899
won a silver medal at Concorso musicale organized by "Sicilia teatrale" of Catania 1899

[] L'eco delle Due Sicilie. Gran fantasia per banda. 1907
brought him success in Italy and abroad

[] Siculo matrimonio campestre. Fantasia. 1911
[] Preludio drammatico. 1914
[] Marcia sinfonica. 1914
[] Primavera nei prati. Fantasia per flauto. 1914
[] Inno alla Regina Elena. 1921
composed on the occasion of the King and Queen passing by Adrano on their way to Randazzo, sung by the students of the Liceo (1921)

[] Olimpia. Marcia
written and instrumented specifically for the newly formed Corpo Bandistico 20 Nov 1921

[] Nellina non s'adatta. Operetta. 1922
libretto dell' amico Gaetano Cristaldi Gambino
since his name as composer had faded he could not represent it in major Italian and Sicilian cities

[] Vita di Gesu Cristo. Poema sinfonico. 1925
performed by an orchestra of 60 students, conducted by the composer at the church of San Sebastiano in Catania 2 May 1925

[] 2 Novembre. Marcia funebre
one of hist latest compositions

[] Chicago. Canzonetta
one of hist latest compositions

[] New York. Canzonetta
one of hist latest compositions

[] L'ara. Inno patriottico
one of hist latest compositions

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