Baumberg, Johann Christoph f1778-f1784 Austria, ?Vienna - ?, ?
apparently active in Italy and possibly Netherlands and Germany, Gerber 1812 says 'er soll ein Wiener seyn'

Title Parts

[] Six trios. 2 German flutes and cello or bassoon. op1
pub Johann Julius Hummel, Amsterdam 1783
[] 1 - in F
[] 2 - in D
[] 3 - in G
[] 4 - in C
[] 5 - in A
[] 6 - in B flat
[] Six quatuors. String quartet. op2
pub Johann Julius Hummel, Berlin and Amsterdam 1784

[] Partitur uber das zu ehren des heiligen Vaters Hieronymus verfaste hochfeyerliche Messant. Bestehend aus 18 theils vokal, theils instrumentalstimmen namlich Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
Bey gelegenheit der, den 31 May 1778 erfreylichst eingegangenen hochsten... Verfast und in tiefester ehrfurcht zugeeignet
ms Conservatorio di musica Luigi Cherubini, Florence

[] Messa di S. Girolamo in C. Voices and instruments
ms Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan 

2006-03-29 18:02:10