Bedard, G 18??-?? France, ? - ?, ?
organist, in Lille

Title Parts

[] Pieces d'orgue des Augustines de Vitre
pub Bedard, Alphonse Leduc HE 33701
as attributed to composer G. Bedard and editor Bedard by Klaus Beckmann

this title is also published by Heugel & Cie. Paris 1993 with the following information: Edited by Pierre-Michel Bedard. Organ works written by the Augustinian nuns of Vitre in the 18th century. The works in this collection were gathered from four surviving Vitre manuscripts c1733
None of the organ pieces bears the name of a composer

[rem: it remains totally unclear what composer G. Bedard has to do with these organ pieces]

2008-03-13 00:00:00