Doorn, Franciscus 'Frans' Joannes van 16.oct.1930-18.may.1995 Netherlands,
Haarlem - Enschede
organist, studied at the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag, organ with Adriaan Engels, piano with Everard van Beinum, theory with Hein Kien, composition
with Kees van Baaren, electronics with Dick Raaymakers, studied organ improvisation privately with Cor Kee, 1958-1971 organist of the Petrus en Paulus
church in Haarlem, 1971-1986 teacher theory at the Twents Conservatorium in Enschede
Cantico de le creature. Soprano, tenor, choir and orchestra. 1994
Claudia Patacca, Marcel Beekman, Toonkunstkoor Utrecht, Promenade Orkest / Jos Vermunt