Larchier (Larcher) (l'Archier) (l'Archer), Pierre f1532-15?? France, ? - ?, ?
singer, 1532 in service of Francois I king of France ; ? related to Jean Larchier

[Fetis gives his name as Pierre Archer, but although his name does not appear in any manuscript, the correct spelling is probably Larchier or l'Archier]

Title Parts

[] Liber octavus cantionum sacrarum vulgo moteta vocant quinque sex septem et octo vocum ex optimis quibulque mulicis selectarum. Lovanii, apud Petrum Phalesium Anno M.D.LV.
pub Pierre Phalese, Louvain 1555
[] - Nisi quia dominus erat. Motet. 6vv
[] - Benedictus dnus. Motet. 6vv
according to RISM ascribed to Joannes Larchier, according to Eitner to Larchier without first name and Nisi quia dominus possibly by Pierre Larchier
2006-09-11 19:05:04