Loh, Ferdinand Alfred Gustav 24.apr.1869-9.dec.1927 Germany Ostfriesland, Kniphausersiel (Wilhelmshaven) - Kniphausersiel
pianist, son of the village school teacher Friedrich Loh, 1889-1892 studied piano, counterpoint and harmony at the Royal Academy of Music in London, 1892 he settled as piano teacher in Sutton Hoo Woodbridge England, 1894 he married violinist Laura Thypswith (1872-1925), their happy marriage remained childless, after the death of his wife he returned to Kniphausersiel, he was buried at his request in the open sea, in his last letter he wrote "No grave stone in memory of me, my waltz shall be my grave stone"

[this is a fictitious composer invented by pianist/musicologist Helmut Karl Henz Lange (Wurzburg 16.mar.1928-) : Ferdinand Loh or Laura Thypswith are not recorded or documented anywhere in England ; Thypswith is a non-existing name and Kniphausersiel a non-existing place ; that he was not able to publish or earn a single penny from his worldwide succesfull Flohwalzer is impossible ; there has never been a worldwide succesfull Flohwalzer between 1880-1927]

Title Parts

Flohwalzer (F.Loh walzer) (Vlooienwals) (Flea waltz). Piano. 1876, finished 1890
called F. Loh's opus magnum
performed by Ferdinand Loh, recorded in 1896
edited and arranged as thesis/dissertation by Helmut K. H. Lange, published by Sikorski, Hamburg 1974

[At his 21st birthday, on 24 April 1890 he wrote to his cousin in London: "This morning, on my birthday, I have completed my waltz, so you can congratulate me twice. It may look small, but I have a feeling that I have put into it all I am only able. At eight o'clock in the morning it was time. Have all other works solemnly burned in the oven, the three symphonies, the opera and everything else. The first copy of course I will send you, the next will go to the big publishers tomorrow morning".
Between 1890 and 1900 he tried to publish his composition without success. He eventually moved forward to take the immense triumph of his work alone by quasi oral tradition. His piano students have not tired of playing the flea waltz over and over again and contributed significantly to the success of the work. Around 1905 it was already known throughout Europe and spread with incredible speed in the overseas countries. In 1912 Loh wrote to his cousin "If I would only get a penny whenever my piece is played somewhere, I could buy the whole of England"]

2003-11-21 17:51:30