Prohaska (Prochaska), Karl (Carl) 25.apr.1869-28.mar.1927 Austria, Modling - Vienna
conductor, 1901-1905 of the Warsaw Philharmonic, 1908-1924 teacher piano of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Wien ; related to freiherr Rudolf von Prochazka (Prague 23.feb.1864-23.mar.1936 Prague) ; father of conductor Felix Prohaska (Vienna 16.may.1912-29.mar.1987 Vienna)

Title Parts

[] Sonata in D. Violin and piano. 1899. op1
[] Serenade in G. Orchestra. 1924. op20
[] Fruhlingsfeier. Oratorio. 1913. op13
words Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock

[] Madeleine Guimard. Opera
libretto Lily Braun

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