Sheremetev (Sheremetyev) (Cheremetev), Boris Sergeyevich 1822-1906 Russia, ?Moscow - ?Moscow
spent his childhood in Moscow and the Moscow province village Mikhailov, owner of an estate in the village Volochanovo Volokolamsk district, the youngest of 10 children of Sergey Vasilyevich Sheremetev and Varvara Petrovna, received an excellent education, 1836 entered the Corps of Pages, 1842 served in the Life Guards Regiment, participated in the defense of Sebastopol, 1857-1859 MP for the election of Volokolamsk nobility, 1875 leader of the nobility of Volokolamsk district, he organized a music room which was visited by the nobility, 1881 main caretaker hospices in Moscow

Title Parts

Ja was ljubil (I loved you). Bass and piano
words Aleksandr Pushkin
Nikolay Gyorov

2002-11-22 23:11:04