Vleeschhouwer, Judah Izaak 10.may.1839-25.jul.1913 Netherlands, Weesp - Apeldoorn
jewish chazzan (cantor), active in Groningen

[misspelling: Vleeschouwer ; too modern spelling: Vleeshouwer]

Title Parts

** ? Aseh le-ma'an shimkha and Ahavat olam [titles according to the program booklet]. Cantor, choir and organ
** ? Lecha dodi. Song to welcome the Shabbat [title according to the announcement]. Cantor, choir and organ
arr Eliyahu Schleifer
Eliyahu Schleifer cantor, Talitha van der Spek m, Petra Ehrismann a, Christopher Kale t, Arnout Lems b, Henk Verhoef organ positive
[rem: the title according to the announcement seems correct because only one piece was performed, not two pieces as the titles according to the program booklet suggests]
? Kaddish for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) (Grote Verzoendag) [title according to the program booklet]. Cantor, choir and organ
? Shabbat mussaf kedusha prayer [title according to the announcement]. Cantor, choir and organ
arr Eliyahu Schleifer
Eliyahu Schleifer cantor, Talitha van der Spek m, Petra Ehrismann a, Christopher Kale t, Arnout Lems b, Henk Verhoef organ positive

2008-06-16 00:00:00