Adams, Thomas Julian 28.jan.1824-7.may.1887 England, London - Sussex, Eastbourne
pianist, conductor, studied with Ignaz Moscheles and until the Revolution of 1848 in Paris, 1851 he formed an orchestra and visited Edinburgh, Glasgow and Greenock where he gave series of weekly concerts, 1853 he performed in Paris, 1855 organised another orchestra with which he travelled in England, 1855 he was engaged by the inventor to play the Debain harmonium at the Paris Exhibition, 22.aug.1855 he performed on the harmonichord in the presence of Queen Victoria, the Prince Consort, the Royal Family and emperor Napoleon, 1870 he gave orchestral concerts at resorts in Scarborough, Tynemouth, Leamingon and for 8 years in Buxton where he conducted the summer concerts at the Pavillion and Winter Gardens, 1879 settled in Eastbourne as conductor of the Devonshire Park concerts

Title Parts

[] Method for the patent harmonium. 1855
written for the Debain harmonium which he introduced in England 1843

[] he also composed fantasias, studies, marches and concert-pieces for the orchestra
[details unknown because he is difficult to distinguish from other composers named Thomas Adams]

2005-07-24 23:53:24