Alzola Balanda, Ricardo 7.feb.1870-1943 Spain Biscay, Baracaldo - ?, ?
pianist, organist, priest, his religious name was padre Ricardo de San Jose, studied music with Valle and Calvo in Bilbao, at the age of 9 he already gave the first concerts in Bilbao, and at 11 also in San Sebastian, in which he caused astonishment for his qualities and mastery of the piano, until aged 16 he gave numerous concerts in Bilbao, 1886 studied piano with Louis Diemer at the Conservatoire de Paris, then moved to Brussel where he studied with Camille Gurickx, he gave concerts in Brussel and the Netherlands, on his return to Spain he gave concerts in San Sebastian and Valladolid, 1896 he traveled to the USA for further study, 1897 traveled England and Germany, 1897 he entered convento de Carmelitas de Segovia, 1901 ordained priest, after learning the organ he gave organ concerts in Valladolid, Madrid and Burgos, almost all his compositions have disappeared in the days of the Spanish Revolution 1936, the works are all known from a Nuevo Repertorio Carmelitano that was found later

Title Parts

[] Ave Maria. 4 Equal voices and organ
pub J. B. Katto, Brussel

[] O salutaris. 3 Equal voices and organ
pub J. B. Katto, Brussel

[] Misa al Nino Jesus de praga a 3v
[] Misa a Santa Teresa a 3 y 4
[] Misa a San Jose a 4
[] Despedida a la Sma. Virgen del Carmen a coro y duo
[] O Deus, ego, amo te a 4v solas
[] O salutaris a 4
[] Tantum ergo a 3v mixtas y coro
[] Sancta Mater Theresia. Tenor and baritone
[] Himno a Sta. Theresita, coro y solo
[] Himno a Beatos Dionisio y Redento
[] Barcarolas a 4v
[] Himno Nacional
composed for a contest held in Madrid

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