Andris, H 18??-?? France or Belgium, ? - ?, ?
pianist, 2.sep.1928 professor of music Mr. Andris (first name or initial unknown) conducted the symphonic orchestra at a grande gala at Theatre de Maubeuge, 1930 walking in Lens Mr. Andris the well-known music teacher had noticed the 4 year old girl Irene Zatti who was tapping on a small toy piano and managed to draw sounds from it of well-known tunes. Mr. Andris was not mistaken in his predictions, for his little pupil quickly made prodigious progress. Encouraged by these first results Mr. Andris doubled his advice and his lessons to the young Zatti and taught her the piano. 1933 after three years of effort he had made her a great keyboard artist for her age (7). 1933 he decided to present her to the Paris Conservatoire convinced that she will make her way, 26.apr.1933 he arranged a grande soiree for her with a dazzling success at Salle Apollo in Lens and had it life broadcasted by Radio-PTT Nord, 18.jan.1936 professor Mr. Andris conducted Orchestre de Music-Hall with professor Mme Andris (first name or initial unknown) at the piano in a Grand concert suivi de bal at Salle des Fetes in Fourmies Nord, 23.jan.1936 Mr. Andris conducted Orchestre de Maubeuge-Sous-le-Bois with a special mention of Madame Andris who flawless played the piano and accompanied an unnamed! Maubeuge violinist at a concert by Societe les Tambours et Clairons 'Le Reveil' in Fourmies

Title Parts

[] Valse des joyeux clowns. Piano
music H. Andris - ? Mr. Andris or his wife Mme Andris or a completely other composer named H. Andris
pub E. Gaudet, Paris

2022-01-16 00:00:00