Anouilh, Jean Lucien 5.oct.1879-8.aug.1952 France, Bordeaux - Bordeaux
violinist, studied music at Conservatoire de Bordeaux, 9.jul.1897 1er prix violin under professors Beumer and Gaspard, 22.mar.1898 he took part in the Fete de l'Institution Jeanne-D'arc in Bordeaux, until 1903 first violin at the Grand Theatre in Bordeaux, professor of violin at Conservatoire de Bordeaux, 27.jun.1911 he organized the concert at the Annual Banquet of Societe amicale des Ariegeois in Bordeaux, 25.apr.1915 he conducted the orchestra at a Concert de Charite at Salle d'Aquitaine in Bordeaux, 1926 he was violinist in Paris ; son of tailor Julien Anouilh (Cerizols 29.nov.1838-9.jun.1910 Bordeaux) and Marie Trin (Bordeaux 4.dec.1854-16.dec.1917 Bordeaux) ; 28.feb.1905 in Bordeaux he married Marie Renee Gaudin

Title Parts

[] Invocation pour violon avec accompagnement de piano
in Pazdirek erroneously ascribed to L. Arnouille
pub Henri Riffau, Bordeaux 1900

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