Avetisov, Boris Konstantinovich 19.aug.1907-30.jan.1967 Russia, Tiflis (Tbilisi) - Tbilisi
conductor, 1932 graduated in piano under L Truskovsky and composition under Sarkis Barkhudaryan from Tiflis Conservatory, 1932 concertmaster of the Opera Theatre in Tiflis, 1934 graduated in conducting under Aleksandr Gauk from Leningrad Conservatory, 1934-1945 conductor of the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre 'Zakharia Paliashvili', from 1945 he lived in Moscow

Title Parts

[] Piano concerto. 1939
[] Dance suite. Orchestra. 1941
[] Symphony. Orchestra. 1942
[] Fugitive. Opera. Tbilisi 1943
[] At the foot of Mount Ararat. Operetta. Voronezh 1952
[] Ilyany Carpet. Operetta. Chisinau 1953
[] Lyalkin Lyulkin. Operetta. Volgograd 1954
[] Alien baby. Operetta. Voronezh 1955
2005-05-19 17:20:38