Baca Elorriaga, Luis 15.dec.1826-22.feb.1853 Mexico, Durango - Mexico City
pianist, son of the governor of Durango state Santiago Baca Ortiz who died 1832, received his first music lessons from his uncle violinist Francisco Baca, 1834-1839 studied with Vicente Guardado, 1839 his family settled in Mexico City, 1839-1843 studied piano and music theory with Jose Antonio Gomez at Conservatorio de la Sociedad Filarmonica Mexicana and humanities and sciences at the Universidad Nacional, 1844 he was sent to France to study medicine, 1846-1848 studied composition with Edmond Jouvin at the Conservatoire de Paris, 1852 he returned to Mexico where he died the following year from a colic

Title Parts

[] Ave Maria. Voice and organ. 1850
composed for the Maria Celebration at Notre-Dame-de-Lorette Paris in May 1850
later he orchestrated the piece for soprano Jenny Rossignon

2006-03-24 11:24:48