Bach, Erwin Johannes 13.oct.1897-9.aug.1961 Germany, Hildesheim - Berlin
composer, arranger, writer, jewish, 1936-1938 piano teacher in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 14.nov.1938 the Nazi Regime annulled his German Nationality, he died at Krankenhaus Wuhlgarten Berlin-Biesdorf while residing at Woelckenpromenade 5 Berlin-Weissensee ; 27.dec.1929 in Berlin he married the widow Othilie Keil nee Lieder (Berlin 26.aug.1887-) ; after 1945 he married Ingelott Elsa Wagner (-a1961)

Title Parts

[] Symphony
[] (details unknown) Chamber music
2024-06-12 00:00:00