Bachfeld, Friedrich 17.feb.1814-16.dec.1890 Germany Hessen, Cassel - Frankfurt am Main
1836 music teacher at Schnurgasse 63 in Frankfurt, 1843 he inherited a small fortune which he brought in to become shareholder of J G Mouson & Cie. Feine Parfumerien und Toilettenseifen in Frankfurt, this cooperation led to a better funding and to the rise of the small factory to a world-renowned company, 1852 he was co-owner of J G Mouson & Cie., 1868 as merchant of J G Mouson & Cie. residing at Hochstrasse 19 in Frankfurt, 1877-1883 member of the Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft Frankfurt ; son of Johann Casper Bachfeld (Ollendorf 7.sep.1782-12.mar.1864 Cassel) and Anna Gertrude Elisabeth Otto (Cassel 16.aug.1794-24.jun.1863 Cassel) ; 25.apr.1842 in Frankfurt he married Charlotte Nicolas (St Petersburg 15.nov.1816-25.may.1854 Frankfurt), 3 children ; 14.nov.1856 in Dusseldorf he married Clara Hubertine Apollinara Hosten (Dusseldorf 8.apr.1836-13.aug.1860 Frankfurt), 2 children ; 23.feb.1864 in Frankfurt Rodelheim he married Emilie Henriette Charlotte Thudichum (19.jan.1837-25.feb.1913), 2 children

Title Parts

[] 5tes Potpourri aus der oper "Des adlers horst" von Glaser, fur pianoforte und flote oder violine
pub Dunst, Frankfurt am Main 1836

[] Potpourri sur des motifs de l'opera Les Huguenots de Meyerbeer, par pianoforte et flute ou violon
pub Dunst, Frankfurt am Main 1837

[] Potpourri sur des motifs de l'opera La Sonnambula de Bellini, par pianoforte et flute ou violon
pub Dunst, Frankfurt am Main 1839

[] Der kerker von Edinburg, oper von Carafa egr. Piano
on motifs from La prison d'Edimbourg, Michele Carafa 1833
in Die Mainlust. Auswahl vorzuglich beliebter tanze fur das pianoforte
pub G. H. Hedler, Frankfurt am Main c1845

[] Potpourri aus der oper "Des adlers horst" von Franz Glaser, fur pianoforte eingerichtet von Friedrich Bachfeld
ms signed "Bamberg 23. Nov. 1854", Katholische Pfarrei, Arnshausen

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