Bachmann, Barton 10.sep.1893-20.sep.1967 USA Michigan, Charlotte - California, Riverside
pianist, organist, choirmaster, studied piano with Max Dessauer and organ with Walter E Hartley at Dessauer-Troostwyk School of Music New Haven
Connecticut, 1918 BM and 1920 MM from Chicago Musical College, 1922-1923 studied piano with Alexander Raab in Vienna, 1914-1916 organist of the Church
of the Ascension New Haven, 1926-1928 professor of piano and theory at Southwestern College in Winfield Kansas, 1928-1937 at the University of Redlands
California, 1940 conductor of the Riverside Opera Company Riverside, 1941 organist/choirmaster of All Saints Episcopal Church Riverside, 1941 private teacher
piano, organ and theory in Riverside ; son of anthracite salesman Charles E Baughman (Pennsylvania 14.sep.1855-9.apr.1917 Chicago) and singer Edith Barton ; 26.jul.1924 he married
soprano/voice teacher
Janet Edith Abernethy (Chicago 21.may.1901-)